Saturday, March 18, 2023

Useful WEB Error Codes

 How to find the WEB Error Codes?

Please find the below Codes.

1. 400 : Bad Request

2. 401: Unauthorized Error

3. 402: Payment Error

4. 403: Forbidden Error

5. 404: Not Found

6. 405: Method not allowed

7. 406 : Not acceptable

8. 407 :Proxy authentication required

9. 408: Request Timeout

10. 409 : Conflict

11. 410: Gone

12. 411: Length Required

13. 412: Precondition Failed

14. 413: Payload Too Large

15. 414: URL Too Long

11. 500 : Internal Server Error

12. 501 : Not Implemented

13. 502 :Service Temporarily Overload

14. 503: Service Unavailable

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